Sunday, September 23, 2012

Best 10 tips to Revive an Old Blog

how to revive-old-blog/postsWhile starting a blog is easier, what is really difficult is to maintain it and keep updating it with fresh and new content. People often tend to forget their blogs after creating it or just don’t post any new posts for too long, leaving it redundant. So, if you are searching for some easy ways to restart your blog then read on to find 10 steps that will help you revive it easily.

1. Revisit Your Blog: Revisit your blog to find out what is going on with the readers and to identify the topics that were discussed by your readers/visitors and the links and sites that were used by them when you were updating it regularly.

2. Use the Internet: Go through the internet to identify the news, views and current events that are being widely discussed. This will give you are clear idea of what your readers want to read and the topics they are interested in and further revive your blog.

3. Take time to Identify Questions Your Readers Are Asking: Take some time out to identify the questions your readers have asked you in your earlier posts. You can begin by addressing those questions and create interesting blogs based on your reader’s feedback.

4. Seek Help from Social Media Websites: Another interesting way to revive your blog is to visit social media websites to determine the topics and subjects that are being debated or discussed widely. This will give you enough ideas, topics and subject matter to create informative and exciting blog posts and revive your forgotten blog.

5. Prepare a list of Topics Using Reader’s Feedback/Questions: Once you are aware of the questions and feedbacks provided by your target audience in general, you can prepare a list of topics that will further help you formulate interesting blog topics for your readers. This is another interesting way of attracting your old and existing readers and reviving your blog.

6. Set Your Goal: Once you have the topics and matter that will help you revive your blog, you can set your goal and determine when you will begin writing on those topics and create exciting blogs for your readers. Identify the problems that you may face and then think of the solutions that will help you overcome them and restart your blog all over again.

7. Consider Your Passions: If you have absolutely nothing to write on, then you can think of topics and subjects that you are passionate about and use them creatively to come up with useful and fascinating blog content for your readers and thus revive your blog.

8. Revamp the Look of Your Blog: The best way to revive your blog is to give it a fresh new look that is very appealing and enticing. While content is very important, it is also important that you rethink the design of your blog and use interesting designs to attract your old readers and visitors all over again.

9. Fix time for Writing, Editing and Publishing: After collating information, topics, ideas, feedbacks and suggestions, the very first thing that you need to do is fix time for writing, editing and publishing your post. This will provide you with the perfect plan to revive your blog.

10. Get Rid of Posts Not in Use: Remove those posts from your blog, which you feel are no more of any use to your readers. This way you will refresh and revive your blog all over again.

Author Bio:

Raj has written this post for web design and application development Company based in Dubai

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